The Law of Attraction


In my time I have been an Olympic gold-medal winning standard at manifesting, and I’ve also been a Eurovision null-points loser! But I have worked out the difference, and have created a simple 7-step process to help create the life you really want. The key? The subconscious mind, which is the link between us and the life-force energy / source / prana / chi – the stuff of creation.

Photo Credit: Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

Your powerful subconscious - 

the direct link to the Universe.

What you think about expands – but most of us bombard our subconscious minds with all the negative things in life: I hate my job, my flat’s too small, I hate being on my own, I’m so rubbish at this, too useless for that - sound familiar?

Developing a positive mindset is the starting point for all creation – think positively and your world will become more positive! It really is that simple, because your subconscious mind creates what it thinks you want – so if you bang on endlessly about how broke you are, it thinks you want to stay that way, and connects with the energy source to make sure you do!

From my studies of hypnotherapy, life coaching, NLP and cognitive behaviour techniques, I can help you re-frame your self-limiting beliefs and develop a more positive mindset to become the you of your dreams: the healthier you, the happier you, the more confident you, the luckier-in-love you, even the wealthier you…

Whether you're looking for love, wealth or a stunning villa, combining hypnotherapy with the law of attraction will super-charge your manifestations.  

Credit: Muhammadh Saamy / Unsplash

Credit: freestocks / Unsplash
Credit: Ralph Ravi Kayden / Unsplash